Thursday, 1 December 2011

You Call Yourself A Friend?

This maybe my first blog but I'm just going to jump in at the deep end, miss out all the introducing myself stuff which I guess some people may do. I did write abit about me somewhere on here... where you would find that I don't know, I'm still trying to get my head around this site!
Ok so basically this is just me ranting about something that happened earlier today. I got a text from a certain "friend" (using quotation marks because I really do not class her as a friend at all more like a frienemy) anyway the text was asking me to do her a favour. To go on to her jobs website and do this survey for her, to help her get good customer feedback. Now normally I woludn't mind, I'll do anything for my friends and what's a little white lie on a survey going to do if it helps her and the rest of her work colleagues right?
Well when I saw this text and what it asked me to do I instantly got so mad and angry it was unbelievable. This girl and her friend (mainly her friend whom I know longer talk to) have put me through so much shit these last couple of weeks, they've stirred up shit between me and one of my close friends, telling my close friend stuff I didn't want her to find out the way she did, all because one of these bitches got into alot of trouble when she and I had a fight (still following?) and seeing as I got in to no trouble she thought she'd take it into her own hands and spread shit. Well that doesn't fly with me honey. Do not try and come between me and my friends, because if I value their friendship I will fight for it, and I did so now me and my friend are fine.
But as for this other "friend" who text me asking this favour like nothings wrong, like she and the other bitch haven't caused any trouble just blew my mind! WTF have you no decency, do you really think I'm going to do this for you, is MUG tattooed on my head that much that you really think I'm going to forget everything a be like 'yeah I'll do that for you babes no probs!' Well get fucked! 
Instead I have to admit the inner bitch in me did come out and I went on the survey website and started to fill it in giving the worst possible feedback I could, and I was all ready to submit it, when I came against one hurdle, you had to give your name, address, telephone number and email. Of course I could have made it up but that would be to much effort wasted on these bitches, so instead I left it and returned to my cyber social networking life!
Wow reading this back I have used the word friend so many times, even I'm getting confused, but if you followed and understood what I was getting at that's good. 
p.s I'm not always this much of a bitch... if first impressions count I'm screwed on this one haha! 

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